Why You Need a Slant Board

Slant Board

The unassuming slant board, championed by fitness personality Knees Over Toes Guy (KOTG), is more than just a gym accessory. This angled platform can be a game-changer for your lower body workouts, especially if you’re looking to improve mobility, strengthen specific muscles, and potentially reduce knee pain.

Knees Over Toes Guy and the Slant Board Philosophy

KOTG, also known as Ben Patrick, is a physical therapist and fitness coach who emphasizes the importance of achieving “knees over toes” mechanics in various exercises, particularly squats. This philosophy focuses on proper ankle dorsiflexion (flexibility towards your shin) and keeping your knees tracking in line with your toes during movement. Slant boards become a crucial tool in KOTG’s approach by:

  • Stretching and Strengthening the Posterior Chain: The slant board’s incline passively stretches your calves, promoting greater ankle mobility. This allows for deeper squats with proper “knees over toes” form. Additionally, exercises like slant board calf raises directly target the calves, a muscle group often neglected in traditional training.

  • Addressing Knee Pain: KOTG argues that insufficient ankle mobility can lead to faulty mechanics in squats, potentially placing stress on the knees. By achieving proper “knees over toes” form with the help of a slant board, you can potentially decrease knee stress and make squats more comfortable, especially for those with pre-existing knee pain.

  • Targeted Muscle Recruitment: KOTG advocates for using slant boards for various exercises beyond calf raises. Slant board squats with different foot placements can isolate specific muscle groups within the quads, glutes, and hamstrings, allowing for focused development and potentially addressing imbalances.

It’s important to note that KOTG’s approach is not without its critics. Some fitness professionals emphasize the importance of individual needs and movement patterns, while others suggest alternative methods for achieving proper squat mechanics.

Beyond KOTG: Additional Benefits of Slant Board Training

Regardless of your stance on the “knees over toes” philosophy, slant boards offer a range of benefits for lifters of all levels:

  • Improved Overall Mobility: Slant board stretches can enhance not just ankle dorsiflexion, but also overall lower body mobility. This can translate to better performance in other exercises and potentially reduce your risk of injuries.

  • Enhanced Balance and Core Stability: Single-leg exercises like slant board lunges and single-leg calf raises challenge your balance and core stability, leading to improved coordination and overall athleticism.

  • Pre-Hab and Rehab: As mentioned earlier, slant board stretches can be a valuable tool for improving ankle mobility before workouts or as part of a physical therapy program for various lower body conditions.

Choosing the Right Slant Board/Squat Wedge for Your Needs

With KOTG’s influence, various slant board options have emerged. Here’s what to consider when choosing yours:

  • Incline: KOTG recommends starting with a lower incline (15-20 degrees) and gradually progressing to steeper inclines (up to 40 degrees) as your flexibility improves.

  • Material: Wood offers a sturdy platform for KOTG-recommended exercises like deep loaded squats. However, some find it too hard on the knees. Foam provides a softer surface, but might not be ideal for heavy loading. Rubber is a good compromise, offering stability with some cushioning.

  • Adjustability: Adjustable slant boards allow you to customize the incline as your flexibility and strength improve. This can be particularly beneficial if you’re following a KOTG training program.

  • Size and Features: Squat wedges are generally more compact and designed specifically for elevating your heels during squats. Slant boards offer more platform space for various exercises, some even featuring additional features like handles for balance exercises.

Here’s a KOTG-specific tip: Look for slant boards designed to handle heavier loads, as KOTG often incorporates bodyweight squats and weighted variations into his routines.

Safety Tips and Considerations

  • Always prioritize proper form over heavier weights.
  • Start slow and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your slant board exercises.
  • Listen to your body and stop if you experience any pain.
  • Consult a healthcare professional before starting a new exercise program, especially if you have any pre-existing injuries.

Whether you’re a KOTG devotee or simply looking to improve your lower body mobility and training, slant boards and squat wedges can be valuable additions to your gym bag. By incorporating them safely and effectively into your routine, you can unlock a range of benefits for your squats, overall performance, and potentially even reduce your risk of injuries.

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